Our offerings.


Events + Workshops

Throughout the year we host various retreats, events, and workshops. Post-COVID most of our meetups occur online but we still get together from time to time to do a nice socially distanced hike. Currently, we are preparing our first online wellness course that will take place in the fall.


Sharing is caring.

The Tribe was born out of Dawn’s want to share her plethora of wellness knowledge. So each week, she shares with the tribe various wellness tips focused around the mind, body, and soul.

Monday Minddays:  Discuss the power of the mind, from meditation to journal challenges and everything in between!

Tuesday DIY & Tribe Share: Easy wellness DIYs and other community sharing.

Wednesday Wellday: This day is dedicated to alternative healing and exercise. What does acupuncture help with? Should you try to run a 5K?

Food RX: We unpack things relating to food and nutrition. What are the best ways to eat cauliflower? Are eggs actually good for you? What’s the difference between vegan, plant-based, and vegetarian?

Friday: Fun and inspirational content that the tribe shares with one another.