5 easy ways to exercise your brain today

We hit the gym, go for a swim or take a walk to make sure we try to exercise our body BUT what about a program for our brains???

Studies show, "we don’t just lose muscle over time — our brains can atrophy, too. More specifically, your brain's cognitive reserve — its ability to withstand neurological damage due to aging and other factors without showing visible signs of slowing or memory loss — diminishes through the years. That can make it more difficult to perform mental tasks. "

Aging, poor nutrition, some autoimmune disorders can really impact the brain.

So let's add some brain exercises that we can do to help keep our brain function up!!

1. Switch Hands

If you are right-handed, try using your left hand to do things like brushing your teeth, eating, and using your computer mouse.

Using your non-dominant hand results in increased brain activity. This can be very hard at first which is why it gives your brain a good workout.

2. Eat with Chopsticks

This will force you to eat mindfully which is good for your brain, digestion and calorie consumption.

(If you’re already good at this, use your non-dominant hand instead.)

3. Do Chores with Your Eyes Closed

When taking a shower, washing your hair, or sorting laundry, try doing it with your eyes closed.

This will force your brain to use new neural pathways.

4. Do Things Upside Down or Backwards

No worries, you don’t have to stand on your head for this one.

Stimulate your brain by looking at things upside down.

An easy one to start with is wearing your watch upside down.

This forces your brain to really think every time you glance at your watch.

5. Read Books Aloud

Take turns reading and listening to a book with your significant other, a friend, or a child.

If that’s not feasible, alternate reading with listening to audiobooks.

This engages the imagination in a different way.


Fall off the wagon? It’s okay.


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